
List of projects.

Unicis.Tech OÜ

Unicis.Tech OÜ

Founder of an open source startup project that develops SaaS Platform and Atlassian applications for compliance, privacy, and legal teams.

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CertNexus: Committee for CyberSec First Responder (CFR-410)

CertNexus: Committee for CyberSec First Responder (CFR-410)

Industry expert and programme committee on the CyberSec First Responder (CFR-410)

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NATO: Fundamental readiness in Cyber Defence in the Balkans

NATO: Fundamental readiness in Cyber Defence in the Balkans

Co-director of Advanced Research Workshop (ISEG.EAP.ARW.G5515). Write and design the project, and collect and gather a scientists and well-known Subject-matter experts from: government, military, NGOs, research and development, education and public and private sector from NATO members and partner countries.

NATO: Benchmarking Telemedicine: Improving Health Security in the Balkans

NATO: Benchmarking Telemedicine: Improving Health Security in the Balkans

Co-director of Advanced Research Workshop (IISEG.EAP.ARW.985183), supported by NATO Science for Peace and Security programme, , Skopje, Macedonia. Participants were among well-known healthcare leaders from government, military, public and private sector, and NGOs within NATO members and partner countries.

Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans: Policy gaps and cooperation opportunities (Researcher)

Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans: Policy gaps and cooperation opportunities (Researcher)

Author on the report on cybersecurity cooperation in the Western Balkans implemented with the support of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, in partnership with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). Full report available at DiploFoundation.

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NATO: Encouraging Cyber Security Awareness in the Balkans

NATO: Encouraging Cyber Security Awareness in the Balkans

Co-director of Advanced Research Workshop (ISEG.EAP.ARW.984799), supported by NATO Science for Peace and Security programme. The main purpose of this workshop was firstly to boost the awareness level in the field of cyber security, cyber defence, as well as the importance of creating strategy, frameworks and agencies that will deal with everyday threats in cyber space in the region. The key speakers and the participants in the workshop were from academical, social societies and over decade well-known experts in the field of cyber security, cyber warfare, information security from the region and elsewhere.

Study and Improvement of Risk Assessment Techniques

The following research is part of a post-master’s degree in EURECOM. First, we conduct research about cyber risk with the aim of stating a problem for risk assessment. We then perform large-scale analysis prediction techniques (finite-time singularity models) on a dataset collected by the Verizon Enterprise Risk and Incident Sharing Framework (VERIS). The study was led by Professor Thomas Maillart, a professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information. The research examines how vulnerabilities are distributed within more than 105,000 publicly available security advisories collected from the Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB). Having the dataset, we select the top 10 vendors and perform time scale analysis. We then present the rank order distribution analysis of vulnerabilities attributes, such as: disclosure date, software vendor, classification, and severity.

Security Guru

Security Guru

Security Guru is an awareness wizard application to deliver to any end-users, companies, mobile providers, etc. security solution for their mobile and portable devices that run Android.

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Interactive Cyber Security Program

Course Management System – ICSAP is prototype web based application for the management of the syllabus. CMS or in other words Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application for administration, documentation, tracking records, scoreboard and reporting of training program and training content. The prototype system is developed in CodeIgniter, PHP framework and additionally MySQL relation database management system.


Messenger-Pigeon is an application developed in Java platform programming language as on purpose of no additional requirements of library or platform independence. Messenger-Pigeon is an application with client-server software architecture. The interface it is very simple and easy to use for all different ages. It is simple and easy of configuration and setup the server with the two different database sources (ODBC and MySQL). Messenger-Pigeon as an LAN Chatting Messenger can be used in business and home environment.