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Cyber Security Challenges for 2018

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    Predrag TASEVSKI

Cold March and cold Struga, I had an opportunity to present a talk at Second Regional Internet Freedom Summit, organized by American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative's (ABA ROLI'S) on a topic: Development and Enhancement of Legal Frameworks in Eastern Europe and Eurasia to Protect Internet Freedom Program.

Cyber Security Challenges for 2018 in order:

  1. Cyber crime
  2. Ransomware
  3. Critical Infrastructure/Critical Information Infrastructure
  4. Mobile devices
  5. Crypto currencies and blockchain exploits
  6. IoT vulnerabilities
  7. Artificial Intelligence
  8. GDPR and privacy implementation
  9. Fake News
  10. Cyber Espionage

My talk was about Cybersecurity Challenges for 2018. Please see presentation.

Or here is the link presentation.