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Cyber Security Group in South Eastern Europe

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    Predrag TASEVSKI

Recently we have heard and read about the importance of cybersecurity around the US and EU. Firstly Obama administration get order intended to bolster cybersecurity, where the move comes after the White House tried, and indeed failed to get tough cybersecurity legislation through Congresses last year. Secondly, EU released the cybersecurity plan to protect open Internet and online freedom and opportunity – Cyber Security strategy and Proposal for a Directive. Frankly, where are the countries of South Eastern Europe (SEE) in here, such as the ones that are not in EU, for instance: Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo?

Therefore, my plan, as a founder of would like to make a proposal of creating and teaming a group which will meet once a month to talk over another the importance of such as beneficial and in fact essential cybersecurity issues, as well as to exchange knowledge. Sharing is caring. Additionally, in every meeting we will merge and invite important people either over the remote or in the place speakers to give, share and offer us a knowledge what we should do in a near future. How we could fix and raise not only the awareness, but also the importance of cybersecurity in South Eastern Europe (Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece).

For this proposal to be success we would need a help from NGO’s, NPO’s and any other institutes from the region and elsewhere. In addition I would like to ask hackers, crackers, ethical and non-ethical, designers, freelancers and many other to help us with the following problems:

  • Name of the group. I will be more than happy if you could give as proposals on the comment section for the name of the group. Let us contribute together in this matter and we will be all God Fathers for the group which will help us in improving and boosting awareness level in cyber and IT security in our region.

  • Logo. We would like to hear from any of you to design the logo of South Eastern Europe – Cyber Security Group. Please feel free to give us a link of the design in the comment section (below) and then we will select together the best proposal.

  • Sponsorship for the speakers to invite them to meet with us in face to face, either is NGO, NPO, financial, telecommunication, insurance institutes.

  • Proposal of speakers, list for the next meetings and place, indeed.

If you have any further great ideas or proposals please do not hesitate to share them with us. We would be more than happy to take them in consideration. Nevertheless, I really hope that forming the group, such as Google Developer Group etc. will help on one hand. And on the other hand, will aid to meet one another, to discuss and share our knowledge. To learn from the best people and scholars in cybersecurity.

Overall, more frequently in SEE region we have seen targets to attackers on the Internet. How do we handle this matter of facts and how we deal against? How we protect our online space? And indeed why we should take actions? Those are just a start-up questions that everyone of us should be able to answer them. Therefore, we hope that you all will contributes in the above problem that we face and will HELP us in creating this group in SEE region.